Look closely at the texture of this silicone impression mat, and you will be amazed at the vast assortment of what appears to be tiny beads perfectly placed as close as possible to each other without distorting each individual round shape. Chef Dominic and Elisa Strauss searched extensively to find this exotic skin that can be used to create so many textures making it perfect for cake decorating and many craft projects. Here are Elisa’s suggestions for the textures this mat can create:Leather Shoes, Handbags, Wallets, Gloves and Luggage Tiny Bubbles Coral Texture Hairless Animals Lizard Skin Rhino Skin Dinosaur Skin Fish Gravel - small scale Cobblestone - small scale Football Skin Basketball Skin - See more at: http://marvelousmolds.com/impression-mats/goosebumps#sthash.cdqHe6de.dpuf Food Uses: Fondant, Gumpaste, Chocolate, Cooked Sugar, Fudge, Butter, Ice, Jello, Marzipan, Bread Dough, Candy Clay, Hard Candy, Gummy Candy, Gelatin, Royal Icing, Buttercream, Ice Cream, Sugarpaste, etc. Non Food Uses: Polymer Clay, Soap, Candle Making, Wax, Salt Dough, Plaster, Sculpting Clay, Cold Porcelain, and more.
Data sheet
- Tool Type
- Silicone Mold
- Product Type (Choose when in Thematic Categories)
- Silicone Molds